About Vidya Nathan (Founder and Director, Vidya’s Vision)

Photo of Vidya Nathan wearing a blue polka dot top with a black blazer.

“No obstacle is too big to warrant giving up on your dreams”.

Vidya Nathan

Vidya is a freelance access and inclusion professional trained in access and Inclusive design. She is a firm believer in seeing diversity as a strength, raising awareness, influencing positive change and being proactive. As an individual who is severely sight impaired, Vidya understands the value and importance of inclusivity and accessibility and utilises her lived experience, skills and knowledge to create a more inclusive world.

In the access and inclusion space, Vidya’s experience includes research, analysis, report-writing, consulting, co-delivering workshops and training, accessibility user testing, virtual & in-person presentations and public speaking, as well as built environment and digital accessibility checks. She takes pride in delivering exceptional client service.

Vidya is trained in access and inclusive design and also an Access Association member. She was a researcher for Heritage Access and State of Theatre Access projects. Vidya also uses her voice to advocate the needs of the blind & partially sighted community as well as the wider disabled community. She is a BSc Hons Economics & Mathematical Sciences graduate and former financial planning professional.

“I know firsthand the positive effect that fully accessible built environments, digital media and so much more can have to my overall experience and how it prevents exclusion and enables access. I have also equally experienced the negative consequences when these have not been fully accessible, so I am keen to drive the change towards a universally accessible world for all”.

Vidya Nathan